15th Aug, our Independence Day, the day when we celebrate our freedom. A day when we salute our martyrs, and remember our heroes of the nation. I got up in the morning, glanced at the newspaper – swine flu news, saina lost in quarters,etc. I kept the paper aside n went onto get ready. After my bath I always switch on TV and after surfing through MTV, CHANNEL V, I move onto CNN IBN. Every time it’s some or the other news going on but 15 aug was different. A CJ show was going on showing a martyr’s family’s fight for a land that they deserve to be allotted by the govt., and then after sometime a breaking news flashed on my TV screen and I kept the remote aside because the name mentioned was ShahRukhKhan, my favourite.

The news was shocking – SRK detained in US- the world famous bollywood icon, holder of a French doctorate detained. It was but obvious for me to find out why. He was detained at the Newark airport and questioned for two hours by the officials. Instantly scenes from the movie Newyork flashed in my mind. But I knew his detention wouldn’t have lasted for long – he’s a celebrity after all – a human being with a clean record. I switched on to other news channels; everywhere the news of his detention was flashed. It’s hurting and at the same time ironic that an Indian of such a high status is detained on the I-day. On several news channels one could see celebrities, actors, and media people expressing their views on this sad incident. A common thing rose of all the news – US is cruel, they have no sense of humanity, they have been doing this for years despite being criticized inside and outside the country!
Many condemned the US system, so did I, after all suspecting on the grounds of colour, race, or name is wrong, is unethical. But there is another way of looking at this, a broader perspective. After 9/11, what the world witnessed was a US which has ZERO tolerance policy against terror. We saw attacks on Iraq, Saddam being prosecuted and hanged, Afghanistan attacked. Why, why do you think they did all this? Because the officials there care for their country- or as an American would say it “we take no shit”. We condemn their acts and their policies, but have we tried to ascertain the effect of those laws and policies. After 9/11 not even a single incident of terrorist act took place in US. They created such a strong intelligence network that it is impossible for another 9/11 to take place in that country.
Why we don’t have laws that reflect ZERO tolerance policies? Why we entertain a mercy plea of a terrorist. Why we have to show more than 100 witnesses to prove that Kasab is guilty, why we have to consider US remarks for our acts against Pakistan?
Why we don’t learn from our epics – Ramayan and Mahabharatha?? Did Ram had a 10-15 year long dialogue with Ravan, to rescue Sita. Yes. He did gave him a chance but not more than three I suppose. Then what he did, he did what he had to (dharma). He didn’t consult a third party nor did he sat and waited, expecting that Ravan would one day realize his mistake and stop his cruelty towards people, and also return Sita. He was known as “Maryada Purshottam” (A man who knows his limits), he had a limit for his tolerance level as well. But where is our limit? Or are we spineless creatures?
Today, when SRK was detained, I was sad, it hurt me. I too hate US for the same but it’s not the time to criticize them, instead, question our own authorities that what have they done to make us feel secure. On this Independence Day all I want to say is, we have grown so much as a nation, we reached moon then why are we lacking when it comes to security of our own people. Instead of criticizing other nation’s acts we should all come together to create a system which reflects the teachings of Sri Ram, Bhagat singh and others who fought for freedom.